You have some exciting news to share on behalf of your client- but how do you make your pitch stand out?
Creating an eye-catching pitch is truly an art form, and our tips will help make yours stand out above the rest.
Personalize: never ever send a pitch that isn’t personalized. Address a reporter by their first name, and include the name/title of the publication they write for in the first sentence. Show that you’ve researched their areas of interest and that you are aware of their body of work.
Tailor your content: present your pitch with knowledge of the publication’s target audience and area of expertise. Be specific and precise with your subject line, and don’t include the word ‘Pitch.’
The main details: we’re all busy people, and reporters want to know the basic facts about why they should consider featuring your story. Your content needs to contain the key information – what the story is about, where it is taking placing, when it’s happening and why it’s interesting.
Visual and audio: always include some sort of interactive content with your pitch. Whether it’s some photos, a video or audio, upload your attachments to an external cloud hosting service so the reporter can access them safely without having to download.
Have you received a standout pitch? How do you go about pitching your stories to the media? Share your experiences with us on Twitter and Facebook!